Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is a GBA ROM Hack by TeamSolga based on Pokemon Fire Red. The game features an entirely new storyline, set in a new region with a host of new characters and Pokemon to discover. And now you can download this ROM for free on Pokemon Rom World. It was last updated on October 1, 2022.
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What's new

  • Added Pokémon: Koraidon, Fidough, Cetitan, Wooper Paldea, LEAK GIRAFARIG EVOLUTION, Girafarig, Mankey, Primeape.
  • Nemi [Battle Sprite] and level debuffs from your Pokemon
  • In the Green Tower now you won’t find many Smolivs anymore and it’s in the dark.
  • Noelia and Enamorus will now be at level 30.
  • New city: “Mepoli”, and two new routes.
  • Added Enigma Cave.
  • Pikachu is a Pokémon capable of tercrystallization.
  • Main Korai as a new character.


A Fire Red hack based on the upcoming titles “pokemon scarlet and violet”.

The player takes on the role of a young trainer who has just moved to the region of Ovium. This region is known for its unique terrain, with towering mountains, vast forests, and treacherous deserts. As the player sets out on their journey, they will encounter new friends and rivals, each with their own motivations and personalities.

The game includes a range of exciting features, including new Gym Leaders, Elite Four members, and Champion to defeat. Additionally, players will be able to encounter and catch over 300 new Pokemon, including the new Legendary Pokemon, Scarviolet. This powerful creature is said to control the forces of fire and ice and is coveted by many trainers across the region.

As players explore the world of Ovium, they will uncover a dark plot by an evil organization that seeks to use the power of Scarviolet to take control of the region. It will be up to the player to gather the badges and stop this organization from achieving its sinister goals.

Overall, Pokemon Scarlet & Violet promises to be a thrilling and engaging experience for both new and seasoned players of the Pokemon franchise. With its unique storyline, diverse cast of characters, and exciting new Pokemon, it’s sure to become a fan favorite among Pokemon fans.

Added in v1.7.2

  • In Beta 1.7.2 you will find a new Pokémon “Wiglett” (Water-type)
  • Added Skins! These are Pokémon already present in the game but with a different sprite, in this case in Beta 1.7.2 you will meet a “Super Saiyan” Grafaiai with Son Goku’s clothes from DragonBall Z & DragonBall Super!

Added in v1.7

  • New Pokemon: Armarouge, Ceruledge, Grafaiai, Miraidon, Klawf, Magneton, Celebi, and Hisuian Arcanine
  • Tower 3 of 4: Jon: Poison-Type Tower Leader!
  • New maps and new routes
  • Pokémon Market “VIOLETTOPOLI” with more useful items like Ultra Balls!
  • Koraidon story update: a big battle against a time traveler!
  • Shortcuts against Girfold “Hero”!
  • And much more!

Added in v1.6

  • New Palette for external maps.
  • New Pokémon added: Cyclizar, Glalie and Glalie Teratipe Acqua, Tornadus, and Thundurus.
  • Final update to the story of Noelia and Enamorus.
  • Capture of Enamorus.
  • Only one of Tornadus and Thundurus is obtainable.
  • In the “Ultra Sky” area it is now possible to meet Chansey to train Pokémon easily. If captured, these Chanseys will have the “Share Experience” item with them.
  • New Moves added to all available Pokémon.
  • Overworld Sprite of Lantana added!
  • Zoroark Hisui and Zoroark Unova added!
  • For this beta only, Zoroark Hisui will be captured at level 30 in the Time Pit.

Here are some updates and improvements that you will see in the future:

  • Front / Back sprites improvement of Cyclizar and Battle Sprite of Grusha
  • Update of the history of Koraidon
  • Pokémon to farm the ” Moon Stone “
  • 2 new Teracrystal Pokémon.
  • & Much More!



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2 years ago

not even in english oof damn oh well

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