Pokemon Conquest Twin Dragons

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How to install Pokemon Conquest Twin Dragons ROM?

1. Download the ZIP file.

2. Install the emulator  application

3. Open the application and click on "Install ROMs".

4. Find the folder where the downloaded ROM is located and select it.

5. Follow the steps that appear on the screen.

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What's new

  • All 809 Pokémon available to catch and use in battles.
  • Complete overhaul of the game's graphics, giving it a fresh and modern look.
  • New region to explore with unique environments and cities.
  • Over 100 new moves added to the game, some of which are exclusive to certain Pokémon.
  • Mega Evolutions and regional variants added for some Pokémon.
  • New type combination added: Sound type.
  • Rebalanced all Pokémon's base stats to make them more competitive and balanced.
  • Increased difficulty for a more challenging experience.
  • Storyline changes and new side quests to explore.
  • Introduction of new characters, including new gym leaders and an elite four.
  • Updated battle mechanics, including new battle formats and effects.
  • Reusable TMs and move tutors, making it easier to train and customize your team.
  • Multiplayer battles and trading over the internet.
  • Various quality of life improvements, such as auto-saving and customizable UI.
  • More in-depth character customization options.
  • New battle animations and cutscenes to enhance the overall experience.
  • Integration with the Pokemon Home app for easy transfer of your favorite Pokemon between games.


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