Pokemon Conquest Reconquered
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How to install Pokemon Conquest Reconquered ROM?
1. Download the ZIP file.
2. Install the emulator application
3. Open the application and click on "Install ROMs".
4. Find the folder where the downloaded ROM is located and select it.
5. Follow the steps that appear on the screen.
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What's new
New Features:
- R-Style Pokémon: Some Pokémon have adapted their battle style and body to better fit the Ransei region.
- Move and Ability Changes: Overhaul of Pokémon moves and abilities to create a better gameplay experience.
- New Moves: Addition of new moves not found in the original game to diversify the move pool and create new strategies.
- Reconquered Moves: New moves made specifically for Pokémon Conquest: Reconquered to offer unique experiences.
- Modernized Stats: Pokémon have updated stats that reflect their Gen 8/7 main game counterparts.
- Harder Difficulty: Teams have been specially curated to offer a more challenging and rewarding gameplay experience, requiring strategic thinking.
- Minor Tweaks: Streamlined gameplay features such as evolution conditions and warrior skills.
- Creative Base: Reconquered can serve as a foundation for building and inspiring further ideas in the Pokémon Conquest rom hacking community.
Future Updates:
- Investigating possibilities for changes to Pokémon Sprites, Maps, AI, and Pokémon Ability Effects.
- Continual development and improvements to build upon the foundation of Pokémon Conquest: Reconquered.