Pokemon Type – All you need to know

To be able to gain the best advantage, it is essential to research and choose Pokemon to join the battle. The selected Pokemon not only need to have the strongest fighting skills but also need to calculate the countermeasures of Pokemon types against each other.

You can look up the skills and similarities of each Pokemon, but to understand the similarities between the systems, Pokemon Rom World invites you to follow our article below.

What is Pokemon Type?

Types (Japanese: タイプ Type) are properties applied to Pokémon and their moves, which affect the power of moves in battles. As of Generation VI, there are 18 types, as listed to the right. Most of these were introduced during Generation I, but the Dark and Steel types were introduced in Generation II, and the Fairy type was introduced in Generation VI. A unique ??? type also existed from Generations II through IV. During Generation I, types were occasionally referred to as elements. The types are largely based on the concept of classical elements in popular culture.

A Pokémon may have either one or two types. For instance, Charmander is a Fire type, while Bulbasaur is both a Grass type and a Poison type. With this system and there currently being 18 types, there is a total of 324 possible ways to assign types to Pokémon, with 171 unique combinations, 162 of which have been used as of Generation IX. Similar to Pokémon, Pokéstar Studios opponents also have types.

All moves have exactly one type each. The type of a damaging move typically determines which types of Pokémon it is super effective against, which types of Pokémon it is not very effective against, and which types of Pokémon it is completely ineffective against (with very few exceptions). If the type of a move matches one of the types of the Pokémon using it, it gains a boost in power.

Most Gym Leaders and members of the Elite Four are designed to have a type-specific theme.

Type Effectiveness

Type effectiveness greatly influences how much damage moves deal:

  • If the type of a move is Super effective (Japanese: 効果はバツグン) against a type of its target, the damage is doubled;
  • If the type of a move is Not very effective (Japanese: 効果は今一つ) against a type of its target, the damage is halved;
  • If the type of a move has No effect (Japanese: 効果がない) against a type of its target, the target is completely immune to it, and the move will deal no damage.

For targets that have multiple types, the type effectiveness of a move is the product of its effectiveness against each of the types:

  • If the type of a move is super effective against both of the opponent’s types (such as a Ground-type move used against a Steel/Rock Pokémon), then the move does 4 times (250% in Legends: Arceus) the damage.
  • If the type of a move is not very effective against both of the opponent’s types (such as a Fighting-type move used against a Psychic/Flying Pokémon), then the move only does ¼ (40% in Legends: Arceus) of the damage.
  • If the type of a move is super effective against one of the opponent’s types but not very effective against the other (such as a Grass-type move used against a Water/Flying Pokémon), then the move deals regular damage.
  • If the type of move is completely ineffective against one of the opponent’s types, then the move does no damage regardless of how the Pokémon’s other type would be affected (as in an Electric-type move used against a Water/Ground Pokémon).

Popular Types in Pokemon

In the game Pokemon World, Pokemon types are divided into 18 systems, according to which:

  • Normal
  • Fighting
  • Rock
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Steel
  • Poison
  • Ghost
  • Ground
  • Dragon
  • Grass
  • Psychic
  • Flying
  • Dark
  • Electric
  • Ice
  • Bug
  • Fairy

Compatibility of Pokemon types in battle

Pokemon’s attacks are divided into 2 types: Physical Attack and Special Attack. For each type, there will be different effects depending on the incompatibility of that type with the attack type. Please study carefully the incompatibility of each Pokemon type to have a reasonable strategy in the attack-defense of the Gym, thereby becoming a good Pokemon trainer.

Please follow the compatibility of each type below. Whereby:

  • 2x: Attack power doubled
  • 1/2: Attack power is halved
  • 0: No effect
  • Offensive: Attack
  • Defensive: Defense
Pokemon type matchup chart for Gen VI
Pokemon type matchup chart for Gen VI

The Normal type

The Normal type is one of the eighteen types of Pokemon. This type appeared in the first generation, which created 24 normal Pokémon. This was, in fact, the generation that most introduced such creatures. Today, after the release of hundreds of new Pokémon, we can count 97 little normal monsters, which make up 14.95% of all creatures. This makes Normal the second most common type of all, second only to Water.

On the other hand, when considering the techniques, Normal is the most common of all, as 167 of them belong to the type. And all that existed until the third generation was considered Physical, which meant that the Pokemon when using them, needed to make physical contact with their opponent to cause damage.

Most Normal Pokémon are single type, but there is a large contingent having the second type of Flying. Pokémon X/Y add several Normal dual-type Pokémon. In Generations 1-3, all Normal-type moves were categorized as Physical.

Weaknesses and resistances of the Normal type
Weaknesses and resistances of the Normal type

Famous Pokemon: Castform, Chansey, Ditto, Eevee, Jigglypuff, Togepi…

Attack power:

  • There is no double power with any system
  • Attack power halved with systems: Rock, Steel

Defensive Ability:

  • Defense is reduced by 2 times when encountering a Fight-type Pokemon

Has no effect on type: Ghost

The Bug Type

The Bug-type (Japanese: むしタイプ) is one of the eighteen types. Bug-type moves are super-effective against Dark-, Grass-, and Psychic-type Pokémon, while Bug-type Pokémon are weak to Fire-, Flying-, and Rock-type moves.

Bug Type Battle properties
Bug Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Heracross, Pinsir, Scizor…

Attack power:

  • Double power with type: Dark, Grass, Spychic
    Halved power with type: Fairy, Fight, Fire, Flying, Ghost, Poison, Steel

Defensive Ability:

  • Ineffective defense with Pokemon of the type: Fire, Flying, Rock
  • Effective defense with type: Fight, Grass, Ground

Dark Type

The Dark type (Japanese: あくタイプ Evil type) is one of the eighteen types. It was introduced in Generation II, along with the Steel type. As well as introducing new Pokémon and moves with the Dark type, one move was changed to be the Dark type. Dark-type moves are super-effective against Ghost- and Psychic-type Pokémon, while Dark-type Pokémon are weak to Bug-, Fairy-, and Fighting-type moves.

Dark Type Battle properties
Dark Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Heracross, Pinsir, Scizor…

Attack power:

  • Double attack efficiency with type: Ghost, Psychic
  • Reduced attack ability with type: Dark, Fairy, Fight

Defensive Ability:

  • Increase defense with type: Dark, Ghost
  • Reduce defense with type: Bug, Fairy, Fight
  • Has no effect on Psychic type

Dragon Type

The Dragon type (Japanese: ドラゴンタイプ ) is one of the eighteen types. Dragon-type moves are super-effective against Dragon-type Pokémon, while Dragon-type Pokémon are weak to Dragon-, Fairy-, and Ice-type moves.

Dragon Type Battle properties
Dragon Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Heracross, Pinsir, Scizor…

Attack power:

  • Double attack efficiency with types: Ghost, Psychic
  • Reduced attack ability with types: Dark, Fairy, Fight

Defensive Ability:

  • Increase defense with types: Dark, Ghost
  • Reduce defense with types: Bug, Fairy, Fight
  • Has no effect on Psychic type

Electric Type

The Electric type (Japanese: でんきタイプ ) is one of the eighteen types. Electric-type moves are super-effective against Flying- and Water-type Pokémon, while Electric-type Pokémon are weak to Ground-type moves.

Electric Type Battle properties
Electric Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Pikachu, Rayquaza, Dragonite, Salamence, Latias, Latios

Attack power:

  • Double attack ability when encountering Pokemon type: Flying, Water
  • Halve power when encountering type Pokemon: Dragon, Electric, Grass
  • Doesn’t work on Pokemon-type: Ground

Defensive Ability:

  • Increases defense when encountering Pokemon types: Electric, Flying, Steel
  • Lowers defense when encountering a Pokemon-type: Ground

Fairy Type

The Fairy type (Japanese: フェアリータイプ ) is one of the eighteen types. It was introduced in Generation VI. As well as introducing new Pokémon and moves with the Fairy type, 22 Pokémon and three moves were changed to have the Fairy type. Fairy-type moves are super-effective against Dark-, Dragon-, and Fighting-type Pokémon, while Fairy-type Pokémon are weak to Poison- and Steel-type moves.

Fairy Type Battle properties
Fairy Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Xerneas, Sylveon, Togekiss…

Attack power:

  • Double attack ability when encountering Pokemon type: Dark, Dragon, Fight
  • Attack ability is halved when encountering Pokemon types: Fire, Poison, Steel

Defensive Ability:

  • Increases defense when encountering Pokemon types: Bug, Dark, Fight
  • Lowers defense when fighting Pokemon types: Poison, Steel
  • Has no effect on Dragon-type Pokemon

Fighting Type

The Fighting type (Japanese: かくとうタイプ ) is one of the eighteen types. Fighting-type moves are super-effective against Dark-, Ice-, Normal-, Rock-, and Steel-type Pokémon, while Fighting-type Pokémon are weak to Flying-, Fairy-, and Psychic-type moves.

Fighting Type Battle properties
Fighting Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Machamp, Hitmontop, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan…

Attack power:

  • Double attack ability when encountering Pokemon type: Dark, Ice, Normal (Normal), Rock, Steel
  • Halve power when encountering Pokemon of the type: Bug, Fairy, Flying, Poison, Spychic
  • Has no effect on Ghost-type Pokemon

Defensive Ability:

  • Increase defense with Pokemon-type: Bug, Dark, Rock
  • Reduced defense when encountering Pokemon-type: Fairy, Flying, Spychic

Fire Type

The Fire type (Japanese: ほのおタイプ Flame type) is one of the eighteen types. Fire-type moves are super-effective against Bug-, Grass-, Ice-, and Steel-type Pokémon, while Fire-type Pokémon are weak to Ground-, Rock-, and Water-type moves.

Fire Type Battle properties
Fire Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Entei, Moltres, Charizard, Magmar…

Attack power:

  • Double attack ability when encountering type Pokemon: Bug, Grass, Ice, Steel
  • Halve the power when fighting with type Pokemon: Dragon, Fire, Rock, Water

Defensive Ability:

  • Increases defense when encountering Pokemon types: Bug, Fairy, Fire, Grass, Ice, Steel
  • Lowers defense when encountering Pokemon-types: Ground, Rock, Water

Flying Type

The Flying type (Japanese: ひこうタイプ ) is one of the eighteen types. Flying-type moves are super-effective against Bug-, Fighting-, and Grass-type Pokémon, while Flying-type Pokémon are weak to Electric-, Ice-, and Rock-type moves.

Flying Type Battle properties
Flying Type Battle properties

Featured Pokemon: Ho-oh, Dragonite…

Attack power:

  • Double attack ability when encountering type Pokemon: Bug, Fight, Grass
  • Reduced combat ability when encountering Pokemon types: Electric, Rock, Steel

Defensive Ability:

  • Double defense when encountering Pokemon-type: Bug, Fight, Grass
  • Decreases defense when encountering Pokemon types: Electric, Ice, Rock
  • Has no effect on Ground-type Pokemon

Ghost Type

The Ghost type (Japanese: ゴーストタイプ ) is one of the eighteen types. Ghost-type moves are super-effective against Ghost- and Psychic-type Pokémon, while Ghost-type Pokémon are weak to Dark- and Ghost-type moves.

Ghost Type Battle properties
Ghost Type Battle properties

Featured Pokemon: Banette, Gengar, Misdreavus…

Attack power:

  • Double attack when encountering Pokemon-types: Ghost, Psychic
  • Reduces attack ability when encountering type Pokemon: Dark
  • Has no effect on Normal-type Pokemon.

Defensive Ability:

  • Increases defense when fighting Pokemon-type: Bug, Poison
  • Lowers defense when encountering Pokemon-types: Dark, Ghost
  • Has no effect on Normal-type Pokemon.

Grass Type

The Grass type (Japanese: くさタイプ) is one of the eighteen types. Grass-type moves are super-effective against Ground-, Rock-, and Water-type Pokémon, while Grass-type Pokémon are weak to Bug-, Fire-, Flying-, Ice-, and Poison-type moves.

Grass Type Battle properties
Grass Type Battle properties

Featured Pokemon: Meganium, Oddish, Sunkern, Treecko, Naetle…

Attack power:

  • Double attack when encountering Pokemon of the type: Ground, Rock, Water
  • Reduced attack ability when encountering Pokemon of the type: Bug, Dragon, Fire, Flying, Grass, Poison, Steel

Defensive Ability:

  • Increase defense with systems: Electric, Grass, Ground, Water
  • Reduces defense when encountering systems: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison

Ground Type

The Ground type (Japanese: じめんタイプ ) is one of the eighteen types. Ground-type moves are super-effective against Electric-, Fire-, Poison-, Rock-, and Steel-type Pokémon, while Ground-type Pokémon are weak to Grass-, Ice-, and Water-type moves.

Ground Type Battle properties
Ground Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Dugtrio, Groudon…

Attack power:

  • Double power when fighting with Pokemon types: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel
  • Reduces attack power when encountering type Pokemon: Bug, Grass
  • Doesn’t work against Flying-type Pokemon

Defensive Ability:

  • Double defense when encountering Pokemon-type: Poison, Rock
  • Lowers defense when encountering type Pokemon: Ice, Grass, Water
  • Does not work when encountering the Electric system

Ice Type

The Ice type (Japanese: こおりタイプ) is one of the eighteen types. Ice-type moves are super-effective against Dragon-, Flying-, Grass-, and Ground-type Pokémon, while Ice-type Pokémon are weak to Fighting-, Fire-, Rock-, and Steel-type moves.

Ice Type Battle properties
Ice Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Articuno, Delibird, Jynx, Snorunt, Spheal, Regice

Attack power:

  • Double attack ability when encountering type Pokemon: Dragon, Flying, Grass, Ground
  • Reduce attack power when encountering: Fire, Ice, Steel, Water

Defensive Ability:

  • Increases defense when encountering Pokemon of all types: Ice
  • Reduces defense when encountering systems: Fight, Fire, Rock, Steel

Poison Type

The Poison type (Japanese: どくタイプ ) is one of the eighteen types. Poison-type moves are super-effective against Fairy- and Grass-type Pokémon, while Poison-type Pokémon are weak to Ground- and Psychic-type moves.

Poison Type Battle properties
Poison Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Gloom, Gulpin, Spinarak, Muk, Weezing

Attack power:

  • Double attack when encountering Pokemon-types: Fairy, Grass
  • Reduced attack power when encountering Pokemon: Ghost, Ground, Poison, Rock
  • Has no effect on Steel-type Pokemon

Defensive Ability:

  • Increase defense with Pokemon-type: Bug, Fairy, Fight, Grass, Poison
  • Lowers defense when encountering Pokemon-types: Ground, Psychic

Psychic Type

The Psychic type (Japanese: エスパータイプ Esper type) is one of the eighteen types. Psychic-type moves are super-effective against Fighting- and Poison-type Pokémon, while Psychic-type Pokémon are weak to Bug-, Dark-, and Ghost-type moves.

Psychic Type Battle properties
Psychic Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Mewtwo, Mew, Alakazam

Combat power:

  • Double your fighting ability when encountering Pokemon-types: Fight, Poison
  • Power reduction when encountering systems: Spychic, Steel
  • Doesn’t work against Dark systems

Defensive Ability:

  • Increases defense when encountering Fight-type Pokemon, Psychic
  • Reduces defense when encountering systems: Bug, Dark, Ghost

Rock Type

The Rock type (Japanese: いわタイプ) is one of the eighteen types. Rock-type moves are super-effective against Bug-, Fire-, Flying-, and Ice-type Pokémon, while Rock-type Pokémon are weak to Fighting-, Grass-, Ground-, Steel-, and Water-type moves.

Rock Type Battle properties
Rock Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Golem, Regirock

Combat power:

  • Double the power when fighting Pokemon of the types: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice
  • Power reduction when fighting with type Pokemon: Fight, Ground, Steel

Defensive Ability:

  • Increases defense when encountering Pokemon type: Fire, Flying, Normal, Poison
  • Decreases defense when encountering types: Fight, Grass, Ground, Steel, Water

Steel Type

The Steel type (Japanese: はがねタイプ) is one of the eighteen types. It was introduced in Generation II, along with the Dark type. As well as introducing new Pokémon and moves with the Steel type, two Pokémon were changed to have the Steel type. Steel-type moves are super-effective against Fairy-, Ice-, and Rock-type Pokémon, while Steel-type Pokémon are weak to Fighting-, Fire-, and Ground-type moves.

Steel Type Battle properties
Steel Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Beldum, Aggron, Steelix, Mawile, Registeel, Dialga

Attack power:

  • Double attack ability when encountering Pokemon of the types: Fairy, Ice, Rock
  • Reduce attack power when encountering systems: Electric, Fire, Steel, Water

Defensive Ability:

  • Increase defense when encountering systems: Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Psychic, Rock, Steel
  • Lowers defense when attacked by Pokemon of all types: Fight, Fire, Ground
  • Has no effect on Pokemon-type: Poison

Water Type

The Water type (Japanese: みずタイプ ) is one of the eighteen types. Water-type moves are super-effective against Fire-, Ground-, and Rock-type Pokémon, while Water-type Pokémon are weak to Electric- and Grass-type moves.

Water Type Battle properties
Water Type Battle properties

Typical Pokemon: Kyogre, Slowking, Vaporeon

Attack power:

  • Double attack when encountering Pokemon of the type: Fire, Ground, Rock
  • Reduces attack ability when fighting with type Pokemon: Dragon, Grass, Water

Defensive Ability:

  • Increases defense when encountering systems: Fire, Ice, Steel, Water
  • Reduces defense when encountering systems: Electric, Grass
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